
Jedan mladi ždral (Jesen)

Jedan mladi ždral
izvodi svoj čudan ples
uz prodoran pjev.

Oblaci plove
i u krajeve nove
kišu donose.

Jesenska kiša
kao iz kabla lije,
zemlja je pije.

Kiša rominja,
ptice žalosne sjede
na mokroj grani.

Mjesec se skrio
u oblake umotan
gdje sniva svoj san.

Kad je jesen tu,
tad je nizak ptičji let
a cvrkut im blag.

Da li još ima
riba u toj rječici
il' je samo mulj?

Lijepi ljetni cvijet
zašto mora venuti,
posve nestati?

Prolaznost traje.
Pogledaj proljetni pup
i cvijet ujesen.

Puni mjesec sja,
na plotu od bambusa
pjesma cvrčaka.

Noć je, hrast je sam
i mjesečinu čeka
da dođe sjena.

Iz tame strše
samo vršci grančica -
stablo čeka dan.

Navrh stabala
šušti šum vjetrom nošen -
tamo daleko.

U jednom trenu
ruše se stara zdanja -
nakon stoljeća.

Blijedi sad mjesec
sije svoj žućkasti sjaj
po pustoj stazi.

Vodene kapi
čekaju u oblaku
početak kiše.

Ostao si sam
i tražiš novu sreću -
ona te čeka.

Vjetar odnosi
cvijeće koje si brao
i njoj ga dao.

Cvijeća tu nema -
ostade samo trava
i uspomene.

Mjesečev se trak
pružio na krevet njen,
prazan i hladan.

Zaborav tone,
a iz mora vremena
izranja nada.

U nadi je spas;
ako nestane nade,
nestat će i nas.

Kandže se stežu,
vjetar grančicu ljulja
a ptica drijema.

To vjetar puše,
diže prašinu s tla,
nosi suhi list.

Zrakom leti list,
i tiho na tlo pada
gdje čeka svoj kraj.

Dok rijeka buja,
poplava brzo skriva
kućice stare.

Usnulom zvonu
jedan će pokret klatna
dati novi zvuk.

Sjena sve duža
kako se sunce spušta -
ona putuje.

Čuj te sove zov!
Gle, nad šumom mjesec pun
tjera ovu noć.

Na stazi je trn
podao, šiljast i crn -
čeka nožicu.

Život je vihor
što trnje na put nosi
pa ga odnosi.

Dodir je ruke
mekan kao topla riječ -
kad je čovjek sam.

Spustila se noć,
groblje prekriva tama.
Ona još kleči!

Šarene gljive
rasute oko panja -
a u njima smrt.

Dalje: Zima . . . Next: Winter

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A Very Young Crane (Autumn)

A very young crane
makes its remarkable dance
singing very loud.

Clouds are just flying
from far-away to our place
bringing the hailstorm.

The autumn rain is
always raining very hard,
the earth swallows it.

It is raining hard,
birds are sitting sad and wet
upon the damp branch.

The moon is hidden
enveloped in the clouds
dreaming its dream.

When the autumn comes
then the birds fly very low
their twitter is soft.

Are there any fish
in our troubled rivers
or the river silt?

Why must spring flowers
so beautiful and sweet
disappear so soon?

The passage of time
one can see by watching buds
and roses in spring.

The full moon oft shines
upon the fence of bamboo
while cicadas sing.

An oak stands alone
waiting the moon comes out
and its shadow comes.

Out of the darkness
one can see peaks of branches
and trees wait the day.

On the peak of trees
it murmurs gone with the wind
somewhere far-away.

Just at a short time
some old buildings are pulled down
after centuries.

The pale shining moon
spreads its yellow glittering
on the lonely way.

The water droplets
are waiting in the cloud
beginning to rain.

You are now alone
looking after your fortune
it's waiting for you.

The wind takes away
the nice flower you have picked
to give it to her.

Flowers are here no more
just some grass is still alive
and remembrances.

The beam of the moon
has spread over her bed,
empty and quite cold.

Oblivion sinks
and out of the sea of time
new hope will emerge.

The hope will save us;
if the hope disappears,
we disappear.

Claws are tightening,
the wind is swinging the twig
and the bird still sleeps.

The wind is blowing
and it is rasing the dust
carrying the dried leaf.

A leaf is flying
falling still upon the earth
where it waits its end.

While a river swalls,
the flash flood overflows all,
big and small houses.

To the sleeping bell
one move of its clapper
give just a new sound.

Shadows are longer
as much as the sun sets down -
so they go away.

Listen to the owl!
Watch the full moon above woods
driving off the night.

A thorn on the way
abject, pointed and black -
waiting for a foot.

The life is a wind
that brings thorns upon the way
then takes them away.

The touch of a hand
as soft as the kindest word
when one stays alone.

It is pitch dark now,
graveyard is covered by night,
she is still kneeling.

Colorful mushrooms
strewn around the rotten stump,
they hide sometimes death.