Usnula ptica (Zima) Usnula ptica čvrsto se drži grane i mirno spava. Gle gdje pada snijeg: posvud već pokrivač bijel, tek je mjesec blijed. Na grani jele pahuljice su bijele pronašle svoj mir. Na suhoj grani sjedi ptičica gladna, na nju pada snijeg. Razastro mrežu šćućuren u svom kutu i čeka muhu. Te suhe grane što prema nebu strše mole za ljeto. Prugom vlak juri, kamo toliko žuri? Možda uzalud. Sada mjesec sja, na stazama su stope neznanih nogu. Kamo to vode ove stope u snijegu - ovako same? Zašto pas laje? Noć je, nikoga nema, samo mjesec sja. Gle, stari mačak strpljivo miša čeka i pritom drijema. Nova godina: vatra tiho pucketa, grije i dušu. Nova godina: zagrljaj i poljubac, želja za sreću. Zavjesa skriva pjesmu i golo tijelo, šum tople vode. Ne vjeruj buri što u tebi sada vlada, doći će već mir. Nebeska svjetlost obasjava im tijelo i grije dušu. Ta mliječna staza po kojoj zvijezde plove svjetove nosi. Svemir je velik a čovjek tako malen svemirom luta. Jesmo li sami ili svemir ima još razumnih bića? Mračna gradina, uznemirena tama i šum tišine. Sad nebo plače, a u dolini suza jecaje čuješ. Ne žali sada za onim što je prošlo, dolazi novo. Luta posve sam kroz mnoštvo stranih ljudi, nikog ne vidi. Sada se budiš, njega tu više nema - nemoj plakati. Ljepota nade - ali samo dok je nada ima pravi čar. Snenost se stisla prekrivena toplinom čekajući san. San spušta vjeđe, prekriva ružnu stvarnost i donosi mir. Noćas on sanja i gleda svoj zavičaj vlažnim očima. Život je kratak - samo neke minute jako su duge. Satkana tuga u veo crne boje - vjetrom leprša. Kažu: Ne ubij i ne sagriješi bludno. Ali uzalud. Svijeća još gori, stare uvele ruke sklopljene drhću. Bol sklapa oči, svećenik maže čelo i tiho moli. Na vrhu brijega malena crkva stoji - puna molitve. Dalje: Proljeće . . . Next: Spring Haiku - Sadržaj . . . Contents HOME |
WinterThe Bird Fell Asleep (Winter) The bird fell asleep and holds its twig quite firmly and sleeps peacefully. Look, it is snowing, all around a blanket white just the moon is pale. Upon the fir-tree the white snowflakes have just found their terminal peace. Upon a dry branch a hungry bird is sitting while snow falls on it. It spreaded its web crouching there in the corner waiting for the fly. These long dry branches which stick out towards the sky pray for the summer. The train rides so fast, where to so quickly? Maybe just in vain. Now the moonlight shines, upon the way one can see the footprints of range. Where do foot prints go across the snow far away going so alone? Why is the dog barking? It is night, nobody goes, only the moon shines. Look at the old cat waiting with patience a mouse, dreaming while waiting. The New Years Day when the fire crashes still and warms souls as well. The New Year's Day, embraces, kisses and wishes for their happiness. The curtain hides her song, her charming body while she takes a shower. Don't believe the storm which exercises with you, it will go away. The light of heaven floods their bodies with light and warms their souls. Milky Way is full with very many stars with some other worlds. The cosmos is large and the small human being wanders along it. Are we here alone or are there some more beings in the large cosmos? The dark castle ruins, anxious darkness all around and the silence fell. Now the sky cries and in the valley of tears one can hear sighs. You should not cry now because of a loss in past, you can do it now. He wanders alone through very many people but he can see none. You are awaking and don't see him near you - you don`t want to cry. Beauty of hoping as long as we hope has its real charm. Sleep is hidden there under the white warm blanket waiting for its sleep. Sleepiness makes eyelids by getting heavy hides reality. This night when he dreams he sees then his home there left and his eyes are wet. A life is so short - but just several minutes can be very long. The waven sorrow in its veil of black color flatters in the wind. They say: Do not kill and do not commit a sin. But it is in vain. Candles are aflame, two old faded hands are here trembling folded up. Pain closes his eyes the priest gives the last rites praying peacefully. On the peak of the hill a small white church stands just there filled up with prayers. |