Gledaj galeba (Ljeto) Gledaj galeba gdje gnijezdo morske pjene krilima skriva. Crveno sunce u plavo more tone gdje mu gasne sjaj. More se ljulja, plavi valovi šume - eno, ide brod! Orhideja nas kao žena osvaja svojom ljepotom. Galeb visoko, riba negdje duboko, mirno plovi brod. Na moru pjena bijela kao ljetni cvijet. Eno, ide val! Zrnca bi pijeska iz pustinje sad pošla na plažu mora. Dok lišće šušti, iza brijega već čuči u oblaku grom. List se zanjiše, za njim drugi pa treći, ljulja se stablo. Puni mjesec sja dok vjetar grane njiše a sjene plešu. Stabla u mlaci, onda ih nema više do nove kiše. Topla ljetna noć, samo zrikavac pjesmom narušava mir. Lopoč na vodi razastro je ljepotu - obasjan suncem. Mnoštvo krijesnica rasulo se po cvijeću na mjesečini. Plamen sve guta, od velike šume sad osta pepeo. Crkva je prazna, razapeti Krist je sam - čeka molitvu. Cvrčkov oštri glas jedini je noćni zvuk, inače je muk. Klizi do vrha, tu stvara mala kaplja novi stalaktit. Kapljice vode udarcima o kamen stvoriše rupu. Šuma i cvijeće to je sada njihov dom, ljepši od dvorca. Kao na niti galebi se ljuljaju iznad valova. Cvrčak u noći svojim prodornim zvukom odnese im san. Jedan mali mrav uzbuđeno juri sam, traži pravi trag. Evo, brod tone! Sirena pomoć zove - možda uzalud. Još samo ruka vidi se iznad vode, onda nestade. Kamen na stazi gdje bosa noga gazi izaziva bol. Tek oplođena, crna udovica sad mužjaka ždere. Slavuj pjeva sam, zna li da ga slušamo ali ne mari? Plavi se more sve dok jedan oblak crn ne skrije sunce. Sova se glasa, javlja dolazak noći i remeti san. Puž ostavlja trag, na travi pokraj puta osta samo sjaj. Ili je trnje, ili pak miris ruže - zato strpi se. Dok pun mjesec sja, na rubu stare bare žabe krekeću. Krijesnice lete, mnoštvo dječjih ručica s njima lebdi. Dalje: Jesen . . . Next: Autumn Haiku - Sadržaj . . . Contents HOME |
SummerLook How White Seagulls (Summer) Look how white seagulls cover with their wings the nest made of the sea foam. The red sun sets down into the blue deep ocean to put out its shine. In the heavy sea blue waves are making a noise, one can see a ship. Orchids capture us as well as a woman does by means of beauty. Seagull in the air, fish are floating very deep, ship placidly floats. The foam on the sea as white as a summer flower, crested waves arive. All small grains of sand would like to leave the desert to go to the sea. While leaves of trees rustle thunders in clouds are sitting behind the mountain. A leaf is trembling, then the second one moves on and the whole tree swings. The full moon oft shines while the wind swings the twig shadows are dancing. The trees in the plash disappear suddenly till rains again. A warm summer night when so many crickets sing disturbing the peace. The water lily spreads its beauty on the pond while the sun there shines. Glow-worms have been spread upon the flowers at night while the moon there shines. Fire swallows all, of a spacious old forest only ash remains. The church is empty, the stretched Christ is here alone waiting for prayer. Sharp chirps of crickets are the only noise of night, otherwise a hush. It slides down the stone, the small droplet of water making stalaktite. Droplets of water striking against the stone have made a hole. The woods and flowers have been their nice and dear home better than a castle. Like upon a tread seagulls are quickly swinging above the sea wawes. Cicada at night by means of its noisy voice has begun to sleep. A very small ant exited runs quite alone looking for the trail. Wenn a ship goes down then the sirene goes off sometimes just in vain. Just hands can be seen, falling above the water, then they disappear. Sharp stones on the way where the barefoot must oft go bring about some pain. Being impregnated she devours its poor male and stays a widow. A nightingale sings for us or just for itself but it does not care. The sea is so blue until a dark cloud arrives and so hides the sun. An owl makes its call it lets know that night has come and the calm of sleep. A snail leaves its trail upon the grass beside the way leaving just its glare. Now there are some thorns, but also the scent of rose - therefore be patient. While the full moon shines, one can hear the cracking of a group of frogs. Glow-worms in the air, many childrens' hands around try to catch the worms. |